Sunday, May 8, 2016

java.lang.IllegalStateException: An Errors/BindingResult argument is expected to be declared immediately after the model attribute

By default, Spring MVC throws an exception when errors occur during request binding. This usually not what we want – instead we should be presenting these errors to the user. We’re going to use a BindingResult by adding one as an argument to our controller method:

 @RequestMapping(value="/addEmployee", method=RequestMethod.POST)  
      public String addEmployees(BindingResult result, @ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee,  
                Model model, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){  

The BindingResult argument needs to be positioned right after our form backing object – it’s one of the rare cases where the order of the method arguments matters. Otherwise we’ll run into the following exception :

java.lang.IllegalStateException: An Errors/BindingResult argument is expected to be declared immediately after the model attribute, the @RequestBody or the @RequestPart arguments to which they apply:
public java.lang.String controller.EmployeeController.addEmployees(org.springframework.validation.BindingResult,entity.Employee,org.springframework.ui.Model,

To correct the above exception, just change order of the parameter, where your binding result parameter has to be just after the ModelAttribute as below

      @RequestMapping(value="/addEmployee", method=RequestMethod.POST)  
      public String addEmployees( @ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee,  
                BindingResult result, Model model, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){  

Happy Programming...!!!