Saturday, May 4, 2013

Integrate ExtJs DataGrid with Spring MVC

Sencha ExtJs is one of the rapidly growing standard for business-grade web application development, which have been used widely as presentation layer. Lets see, how we can intergrate the ExtJs with Spring MVC.

You can download ExtJs from here - Download Extjs

In this example, we are going to populate the list of medicine name available in ExtJS DataGrid.

Below is the Medicine Business clas, Simple POJO. For this example forget about the dealers in the class.
public class Medicine extends BaseObject 
 private String company;
 private String code;
 private String description; 
 private Set dealers;

        //Relevant Setters and Getters


Since the JSON is the most popular way of providing input to ExtJs DataGrid, we are going define the DataStore first, which reads the data from the server through the HttpProxy call, and we use the JsonReader to read a server response that is sent back in JSON format

var store = new{
  proxy: new{
   url: '/getmedicine.htm'
  reader: new{
  [{name: 'id'}, 
   {name: 'name'}, 
   {name: 'description'},
   {name: 'company'}

And our controller, which return the relevant Medicine data in JSON Format. To return the output from the controller in JSON format, we will be using the classes net.sf api's. Make sure that you have the below jars files in your classpath


public class DataServiceController implements Controller
 private MedicineDao medicineDao;
 public MedicineDao getMedicineDao() {
  return medicineDao;

 public void setMedicineDao(MedicineDao medicineDao) {
  this.medicineDao = medicineDao;

 public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception 
  List medicineList = this.getMedicineDao().getAll();
  JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig();
  config.setExcludes(new String[] {"dealers" });
  //JSONObject obj = JSONObject.fromObject(medicineList, config);
  JSONArray obj = JSONArray.fromObject(medicineList, config);
  ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap();
  //modelMap.addAttribute("medicineList" , obj);  
  //return new ModelAndView("jsonView", modelMap);
  modelMap.addAttribute("medicineJson", obj);
  //modelMap.addAttribute("medicineList" , medicineList);
  return new ModelAndView("jsonView", modelMap);


Below is the entire content of medicinelist.js file defined in jsp, which includes the definition of the DataGrid.


 var store = new{
  proxy: new{
   url: '/getmedicine.htm'
  reader: new{
  [{name: 'id'}, 
   {name: 'name'}, 
   {name: 'description'},
   {name: 'company'}

 // row expander
    var gridBooks = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        store: store,
        width: 500,
        height: 500,        
        title: 'Medicine List',
        renderTo: 'medlist',
        cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
            defaults: {
                sortable: true
            columns: [               
                {header: "Id", dataIndex: 'id'},
                {header: "Medicine Name", dataIndex: 'name'},
                {header: "Description", dataIndex: 'description'},
                {header: "Company" , dataIndex: 'company', renderer:renderCompany}
        listeners: {
      rowClick: function(grid, rowI, event) {
       //alert("You Clicked Row " + rowI);
       //alert("Medicine Name" + grid.getStore().getAt(rowI).get('name'));


Make sure that you have relevant extjs .js and .css file in your relevant, which can be downloaded from You can download ExtJs from here - Download Extjs

Happy programming ...!!!

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